Wednesday, June 10, 2009

What Right Do We Have As Christians?

I've just got to say it- I am not a fan of Carrie Prejean. I am also not a fan of Perez Hilton. Seriously, who picked that guy to be a judge? I thought the original controversy over her answer at the Miss USA padgent was a bit blown out of perportion. Perez Hilton clearly has a lack of maturity. Clearly. However, it almost became this big hoopla of her losing the crown over her answer on gay marriage. As the Miss California padgent crew and several other news sources pointed out in the following days, Carrie was behind in the overall score even before she answered that fateful question. However, some Chrisitans and certain news stations made this huge stink (and continue to) about her answer to the question making her lose the crown. Surely Carrie knew the scores in the aftermath, yet she never set the record straight. In fact, she added to the fire with a bit of smugness. And then came the topless shots and the fact that she didn't disclose the information to the padgent ahead of time and also that there was a communication issue.

I watched the press conference when Donald Trump stood by her side and said that all was well and that she would still be Miss California. Carrie just sat there so smug. Instead of being humbled that she almost lost her title for ridiculous crap she had done, she had this sense of, "I beat the system". Instead of apologizing for the topless shots, she made excuses. She was 17 at the time. Her friend took some. The professional photographer leaked the others to embarass her. She was so angry at the photographer, yet she took the photos so she could get work like that. Her answer to the reason why she failed to tell padgent officals about the topless photos - it was a 12 page application. And she's studying to be a teacher??

Today, Carrie was dethroned from the title of Miss California. Padgent officals are saying that Carrie wasn't keeping up with communication that she was pushing her own issues while representing Miss California. Carrie's pastor appeared on HLN network and basically said that she's done everything she's been asked to do, blah, blah, blah.

The thing that bothers me the most is that thru all of this, it seems that Carrie and her following have been more than willing to tote the whole "Because I'm a Christian, this is why I've been kicked out/picked on/etc" . How about you take some responability for your actions, apologize for your poor judgement, be grateful that you weren't kicked out 3 weeks ago and grovel for forgiveness from padgent officals? Carrie Prejean represented the state of California and had obligations to uphold. She was to be truthful in her answers and clearly, choose not to be and has been toting the gay marriage soapbox ever since.

It's not just Carrie Prejean that annoys me. It's when I see Christians act like they're owed something. That they're only getting picked on because of their beliefs, not because of their own irresponible behavior. What do Christians have to be smug about anyway?

there. that's been bothering me for a while.


Christopher Day said...

Very well put, Jen. These are things I've thought for some time.

I understand that none of us our perfect, but Christians are usually the reason people are turned off by Christianity. That's so crazy.

DC Talk said, "...the single greatest cause of Atheism is Christians..."

And Ghandi said he would have become a Christian if he had actually met one (meaning that the "Christians" he met were NO WHERE near Christ-like, the very definition of Christian).

Anonymous said...

Love it! Wow you have come so far in the time i have known you! I heard them up in arms and talking about it on a "christian" radio station and i was so disgusted i turned the channel. I say sit down and shut up people because all you are showing is hate and hypocrisy. UGH! i'm done with it.....