Monday, April 4, 2011


I took a short version (I think....) of the Riso-Hudson Enneagram a little over a year ago to find out my "type".  The results make SO much more sense now than they did a year ago... Astonishing.

My top score of 30, was a Type 2: The Helper
The Helper: The Functions of Empathy and Altruism— the potential for other-directedness, thoughtfulness for others, genuine self-sacrifice, generosity, and nurturance. Negatively, the potential for intrusiveness, possessiveness, manipulation, and self-deception.

My next highest were a 19, a Type 6: The Loyalist
The Loyalist: The Functions of Trust and Perseverance The potential for emotional bonding with others, group identification, sociability, industriousness, loyalty to others, and commitment to larger efforts. Negatively, the potential for dependency, ambivalence, rebelliousness, anxiety, and inferiority feelings.

And with just a point lower at 18, my next highest score showed me to be a Type 4: The Individualist
The Functions of Self-Awareness and Artistic Creativity— The potential for intuition, sensitivity, individualism, self-expression, and self-revelation. Negatively, the potential for self-absorption, self-consciousness, self-doubt, self-inhibition, and depression.

If you're interested, you can find your type here,


John Arns said...

I just took mine. My highest score was a tie between THE INDIVIDUALIST and THE LOYALIST. My second highest was a tie between THE HELPER and THE PEACEMAKER.

workinprogress said...

I can totally see that, John.
I'm glad you're in our lives.