Monday, June 21, 2010

stupid prayers

Praying is one of those things that I'm not exceptionally good at, mainly because I don't do it a whole lot. Partly because my brain works on super sonic and I am constantly going off on rabbit trails, and partly because I sometimes wonder if I'm crazy and I'm just talking to myself...

Regardless, I overall think God cares and He does some pretty insane stuff when we actually just take the time to just talk to Him.

I'm fairly confident that He wants more from me than just a basic one liner.

"Please help so and so."

"I don't remember if I turned my stove off. Please don't let my house burn down." (okay, so that was 2 lines)

"Please let that man get home safely."

"Dear Jesus, I didn't check the toilet a second time after I flushed. Please don't let there be a turd in there. It wasn't there the first time, but please don't let it magically reappear...." (have I mentioned that I'm OCD with toilets outside of my household? I only check 2 or 3 times, not like those nutjobs that check 4x....)

"Please don't let there be anybody in my shower. Please, no one in my shower." (I'm also OCD with checking any shower that I'm near. If I've been to your house, I've checked your shower for crazies. You're welcome.)

Actually, I was going to write about stupid prayers I used to pray, but after looking at this list, it appears that I'm still requesting ridiculous things... hmm... For the record, when I was much younger, I earnestly prayed that when I grew up that I would be funny. I thought my dad was really clever, I wanted to be like him. I have also prayed on multiple occasions during my high school and college years that Jesus would come back before a particularly large exam. And if He choose not to, that he would at least erase my answers and put them in the right order. You think I'm kidding. I am not. If the man can feed 5,000 dudes with fish and chips, he can make a miracle out of my lack of studying....

Somehow I bet that God actually wants to have a conversation. And sometimes even instigate one. But then I wonder why when I cry out to him in full agony over someone or something or whatever, does it feel like he doesn't always answer? Where is the big conversation then? The quiet kills. I don't think he loves it when I go thru phases of not speaking to him. If I had a guess, I would vote it pains him a little. I don't think any loving parent would get off on their kid not talking to them. But sometimes it just numbs the pain - if only for a little while.

Well, that took a turn for the downers. So, what are some stupid prayers you've prayed?


Scott and Jess said...

I don't believe in "stupid" prayers only because whatever matters to me, i think matters to Him. But non pretentious, unreligious prayers... I've got a boatload of those. Starting with:
2. I'm scared.
3. I haven't a clue.
4. (That was a prayer... it's just wordless.. He knows what it is.)
5. YOU deal with that dumb ass. (I use that one alot.)

I can't speak for God, but when my child doesn't speak to me, yes it pains me, but when he finally does, it is always precious to me. Because it is the choice to come to me that endears me to him, not the frequency. I love him in spades inspite of that and nothing he says is ever stupid... just where he's at in that moment. I just journey along side him there and I think God loves us even better than we can ever love our own kids. JD

workinprogress said...

hahaha. I'm fairly confident that I've prayed all of those before. And #5 cracked me up, Jess.

I realize that not speaking to somebody is ridiculously childish and immature. I just go thru phases, (and technically, I'm assuming everybody does) where I would like to believe that I can figure it out all by myself. I got myself into this mess, I can get myself out. Stupid, I know. But in those moments, I believe it feels independant.