Tuesday, June 1, 2010


so I ran today. and by ran, I of course mean that I jogged. and by jogged, I of course mean that I walked 3/4 and jogged the other 1/4. but hey, it was still 1.3 miles more than I did yesterday. or ever.

side note: it's hard to run/jog/walk with the dog when he stops on a dime to smell grass/sidewalk/poo/garbage/chocolate/smashedcans/fences/cars/whateverelse

1 comment:

... said...

That is FANTASTIC Jenny. I am 100% serious.

"The miracle is not that you finished, but that you had the courage to start." - one of my favorite quotes by I can't remember who.

I have run for what seems like my whole life and I will STILL walk when I feel like it. There's no one officiating your run, so walk if you need to walk.

I'm so proud of you it's silly.