Sunday, March 22, 2009

lovely day

anybody remember Out of Eden?

Anyway, today was amazing. I was busy last night so I went to church this morning. It was really awesome. Normally I freak out if I have to be quiet and focus on "prayer" but this was really amazing. Brad and Isaac did a wonderful job.

Anyway, so I totally enjoyed the celebration, saw a ton of friends that I normally don't see on the weekends, went home and just enjoyed being with Isaac. Nothing special, just ate leftovers and slept a bit on the couch. Then he woke me up and we went out. It felt like one of our old date nights - where it didn't matter what we did, it was just nice being with each other. I wore jeans and my Conner Pep Club t-shirt I got back in 1997. I had already washed off my makeup and the ugly zit that has formed next to my mouth was in clear view. But I didn't care. I was with Isaac. We dropped off some movies at the library and then drove to Hamilton and walked around Big Lots for a while. Then we ate from the dollar menu at Sonic and eventually ended up at Jungle Jims. We agreed on $10 a piece and came out pretty good.

This may sound like a ridicoulous way to spend an evening but I'm telling you I was so freaking happy. It's nice to be able to come home to somebody you love and not do anything special, but still know that you're very important. That they want to spend time with you. To be in the same room as you. To eat meals with and laugh with. That's a really nice feeling and a great way to end the weekend.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that sounds wonderful!